Curtis Zaun, Director of Policy & Regulatory Affairs at MnSEIA


Curtis Zaun is the Director of Regulatory & Policy Affairs at the Minnesota Solar Energy Industries Association. He is authorized to practice law in Minnesota and is a registered lobbyist for MnSEIA.

Previously, Curtis was the Assistant Commissioner of and the Assistant General Counsel for the Division of Energy Resources at the Minnesota Department of Commerce. Prior to joining Commerce, his prior public service was as an Assistant Attorney General at the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office and a law clerk at the Minnesota Court of Appeals. In addition, Curtis has worked for a non-profit managing litigation and regulatory compliance and represented clients before the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission.

Curtis received both a Law Degree and a Masters Degree in Public Administration from Hamline University. He received his Bachelors Degree from Cornell College, where he majored in Politics, Philosophy, and History.

Curtis can help with:

  • Curtis directs MnSEIA's regulatory efforts at the MN Public Utilities Commission to ensure solar + storage policies are implemented and upheld. He is a registered lobbyist for MnSEIA.
  • Questions related to MnSEIA's regulatory strategy and how to get involved in comments.

Connect with Curtis on:

Logan O'Grady MnSEIA LinkedIn

Curtis Zaun - MnSEIA