February 24, 2025
Minnesota Families Face Time-Consuming and Expensive Barriers to Installing Rooftop Solar
New Report Reveals Inconsistent and Unnecessary Solar Permitting Requirements
Saint Paul, MN – A new report by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance titled “Overcoming Permitting Barriers for Rooftop Solar in Minnesota,” reveals the inaccessible permitting process that can prevent families from installing rooftop solar or home batteries. The report highlights that permitting and other “soft costs” can make up more than half of the total costs for residential solar projects. The uneven patchwork of permitting requirements and lengthy timelines are key cost drivers.
In most cases, to install a rooftop solar or home battery project families need to obtain one or more permits from their local building department. Complicated processes can add thousands of dollars to a rooftop solar installation, adding frustration and leading to many families canceling their solar projects entirely.
Based on interviews with home solar installation companies, the report outlines permitting barriers in Minnesota and includes case studies from Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Rochester, Maple Grove, Columbus, Chisago County and Wabasha County. Challenges to permitting include unclear rules and required time-consuming in-person visits. Many families and installers also face poor communication from permitting staff and high fees when trying to complete solar and home battery installations in reasonable timeframes.
A key policy recommendation from the report to fix Minnesota’s permitting problems is for local governments to implement instant permitting software. Increasing the use of instant permitting tools will help shorten permitting timelines, ensuring accurate plan reviews and project safety.
"Solar companies agree that varied and inconsistent local permitting takes time away from doing their real jobs: building solar for Minnesota families," said Katie Kienbaum, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Local Self-Reliance and an author of the report. "Streamlined solar permitting helps Minnesotans share the benefits of clean energy while ensuring that all rooftop solar installations are safe and follow the rules."
The state has a $2 million incentive program in place to help local governments implement instant permitting software for rooftop solar and home battery projects. Building on this, new legislation, the Solar Access Act was recently introduced to further address Minnesota’s permitting problems and ensure all Minnesota families have access to instant permitting, regardless of where they live.
“More rooftop solar and home battery installations can help Minnesota meet our growing energy needs and help families save money on their utility bills,” said Senator Lindsey Port (D-56). “Instant permitting is a safe and effective way to cut expensive delays that discourage families from making the switch to clean energy.”
A statewide instant permitting policy could unlock significant benefits, including saving Minnesotans nearly $18 million on utility bills, generating over 500 new clean energy jobs, and saving over 32,500 hours of permitting staff time by 2030.
"This report makes it clear: the volatility of the permitting process for home solar and energy storage is a barrier to Minnesota families seeking lower energy bills and sustainable energy options,” said Logan O’Grady, Executive Director of MnSEIA. “By cutting unnecessary 'soft costs,' we can help more Minnesotans access solar’s cost-saving benefits faster, while easing the burden on local governments creating family-sustaining jobs, and advancing Minnesota’s clean energy goals."
“Minnesota families shouldn’t have to navigate a costly and inconsistent permitting maze to power their homes with solar,” said Patty O’Keefe, Midwest Regional Director at Vote Solar. “Instant permitting is a simple, proven solution that will cut unnecessary delays, save families money, and help meet our state’s clean energy goals. It’s time to make solar permitting as easy and affordable as the energy it provides.”
"Sierra Club's members and supporters across the state are working tirelessly for climate solutions like rooftop solar," said Margaret Levin, State Director at the Sierra Club North Star Chapter. "Uniform automated permitting is a crucial step to make solar energy more accessible, remove obstacles to building a more reliable, clean and affordable grid."
Read the full report here.
About MnSEIA:
MnSEIA is a member-driven 501(c)(6) nonprofit that promotes and protects Minnesota’s solar and storage industries. We advocate in the state legislative and regulatory arenas in a unified and actionable way to move solar + storage forward. Find out more at
Media Contact:
Megan Holz, Director of Marketing & Engagement