June 23, 2021

MnSEIA Celebrates $31 Million Win for Minnesota Solar Industry


St. Paul, MN—The Minnesota Solar Energy Industries Association (MnSEIA) celebrates the passage of over thirty-one million dollars of solar incentive programs by the Minnesota House and Senate. MnSEIA is excited to announce that the House and Senate Commerce and Energy Omnibus bill includes:

  • $16 million for the Solar on Schools program
  • $5 million for Solar on Community Colleges.
  • $10 million for a Solar*Rewards Extension; $5 million is allocated for 2023 and $5 million for 2024.
  • $100,000 to add solar to the Anoka-Ramsey closed landfill and to create a Brightfields pilot program.

No negative solar bills were passed this session! 

Minnesota Legislature passes MnSEIA solar bills 2021

This legislation will continue Minnesota’s history of strong, effective solar policy and progress towards ambitious clean energy goals. The solar industry employs over 4,000 Minnesotans and was one of the fastest growing job sectors in the state before the COVID-19 pandemic. This legislation will help boost the fast-growing industry and encourage solar development in communities across Minnesota; creating jobs, providing tax revenue to local cities, and lowering carbon emissions. 

Many of these programs will be funded in whole or in part by the Renewable Development Account (RDA) fund. Xcel Energy pays into this fund each year as compensation for storing nuclear energy casks on Prairie Island. Money in this fund can only be spent on renewable energy projects in Minnesota, as directed by the State Government, and does not cost taxpayers money.

Below is a statement from MnSEIA’s Executive Director, David Shaffer:

“I am incredibly proud of the bipartisan support for solar legislation in this year’s session. It demonstrates the growing value of the solar industry to Minnesota; for job creation, tax revenue, and clean energy. Strong policy has helped the industry rapidly grow and made Minnesota into a nation-leader in solar, and I’m excited that we continue to pass good, bipartisan policy. Thank you to all our member companies, partners, and legislative leadership that helped get these bills across the finish line during a challenging legislative session.”

MnSEIA thanks the bipartisan leadership and support in both chambers that these bills received, including Representative Acomb and Senator Housley for authoring the Solar on Schools bill, Senator Pratt and Representative Lippert for authoring the Brightfields bill, and committee Chairs Senator Senjem and Representative Long. MnSEIA and our members are grateful for bipartisan leadership during a challenging legislative session. Now, onto Governor Walz's desk to be signed into law!


About MnSEIA:

MnSEIA is a member-driven 501(c)(6) nonprofit that promotes and protects Minnesota’s solar and storage industries. We advocate in the state legislative and regulatory arenas in a unified and actionable way to move solar + storage forward. Find out more at

Media Contact:

Megan Holz, Director of Marketing & Engagement