Working Groups MnSEIA is Involved in:
Who: Community Solar Garden (CSG) Developers, Residential Installers, or anyone else interested in interconnecting distributed generation resources.
What: The purpose of the group is to create a forum for dialogue between the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) and stakeholders, including utilities, state agencies, and developers, for the purpose of problem-solving issues that are not being addressed in formal PUC dockets. The group may resolve some issues directly or, at a minimum, build a common understanding of the considerations that need to be addressed. The issues to be discussed could range from patterns of problems identified in customer complaints, lessons learned and emerging issues in DG integration, improvements to PUC services (i.e. dispute resolution, annual reporting forms, confidentiality and privacy issues). This workgroup is similar to the DGWG, but is generally more focused on customer complaints while the DGWG is more focused on technical issues related to the interconnection of distributed generation resources.
To Get Involved: DGAG representatives serve at the invitation of the Commission Chair. Groups already participating can delegate a new representative and continue to attend meetings. Groups who are new to the DGAG will receive a formal invitation from the Chair. If you are interested in becoming a member, contact Tera Dornfeld at the PUC at to find out how.
Learn More: See Docket No. E-999/CI-17-284, filed November 30, 2017, here. Find more information on the PUC's website here.
Who: CSG Developers, Residential Installers, or anyone else interested in interconnecting distributed generation resources.
What: Workgroup working with utilities, developers, and the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to update statewide interconnection standards and technical requirements, and work with stakeholders to find solutions as problems arise with the interconnection process. This workgroup is similar to the DGAG, but is generally more focused on technical issues related to the interconnection of distributed generation resources while the DGAG is more focused on customer complaints.
To Get Involved: Any member of the DGWG must be approved by the PUC. If you are interested in participating, contact Derek Duran at the PUC at to find out how.
Learn More: On the PUC's website.
Who: CSG Developers or anyone else interested in interconnecting distributed generation resources.
What: The purpose of this workgroup is to provide stakeholders a forum to develop revised generator interconnection queue process procedures with the goal of reducing study time and increasing certainty. It is intended that the work product of this Working Group will be included in Tariff filings to FERC and modifications to the Generator Interconnection Business Practice Manual.
To Get Involved: Contact Mandi McGirr, MISO Stakeholder Relations, at or 317-249-2158.
Learn More: On MISO's website.
Who: Community Solar Garden (CSG) Developers
What: Working with Xcel Energy and stakeholders on Community Solar Garden matters
To Get Involved: Contact Crystal Pomerleau, Xcel Energy Team Lead, Renewable*Choice Programs North, at
Learn More: On Xcel Energy's website.
MnSEIA Committees:
MnSEIA members are welcome to join Board committees and work alongside staff and Board to support our initiatives. The expected time and responsibilities for each committee is typically an hour or two of participation per month. The following committees meet regularly and are open to members:
- Diversity and Inclusion Committee works to create a more diverse and equitable solar + storage industry.
- Events Committee helps staff plan Member Meetings and other fun events throughout the year.
- Gateway to Solar Committee works to support staff in planning our annual conference by suggesting panels and keynotes, recruiting new sponsors, and more.
- Membership Committee supports staff in finding new members and retaining existing members.
- Nominating Committee assists staff with our annual Board elections and recruits qualified candidates.
- Policy & Regulatory Committee provides guidance on policy issues during the Legislative Session and input on regulatory dockets.
- Young Professionals Group - A NEW committee focused on providing networking and professional development opportunities for young professionals in the solar and storage industry.